
p.photo by David Cavagnaro


Welcome to AWEsome Cookery and AWEsome Menu Plans.

The site began with my love of food and art, and wanting to share tidbits of both.  I’m drawn to puzzles, and strangely enjoy creating to-do lists and menu plans…so why not use these puzzle-powers for good, not evil?  This is about food, explorations, and enjoyment.  It’s about fusing and infusing everything with vim.


AWE  =  Art  Wellbeing  Edibles.


The Writings—food of all varieties is the topic: recipes, techniques, tips, stories, histories, seasonings, pairings, and more.  All ways to become more at ease in the kitchen, to allow for versatility with cooking, and to live well.

I have been gluten free since 2006, but don’t let that scare you away!  There is a fabulous world of food beyond bread that everyone can enjoy…not just for the emerging clan of intolerant people such as myself.

The Art—I am lucky enough to be surrounded by amazing artists.  Most of the images and photos featured in the site are from either friends or myself, and I will label with links.  Please respect that they are copyright protected.  Many of the produce photos are by David Cavagnaro, horticultural and nature photographer extraordinaire, who now has settled into a full life with the Pepperfield Project: helping people improve their quality of life by promoting a hands-on relationship with food, cooking and gardening.


My other Current Projects—running a catering business; dabbling in the art of teaching food skills; being part of a trio that hosts women’s creativity retreats called AWEsome Retreats; and facilitating performance-art dinners called Edible Alien Theatre (E.A.T.).  I love merging Theater and Food—-using puppetry, sculpture, movement, music, performance and food to feature the amazing talents of my friends, create an altered environment for an evening, and then…when the diners have completely let down their defenses… serve them fabulous food made with love.   A subversive little event it is.

Check out the Other Adventures page to follow our preparations for a Spring 2012 E.A.T. and other adventures…

A few of my Past Lives: managing a deli; writing food reviews for a regional paper (three of us, called The Three Graces); working in Minneapolis restaurants ; playing in an all-girl band called The Pseudonymphs; participating in a performance group called Dreaming Crow Mask and Puppet Theater; spending many months in Mexico; and growing up on a farm in the midwest of the U.S..


So look around, and check back often.  Food and Art; Recipes and Menu Plans; Stories and Images; Favorites; Cooking Tips and Techniques…and more.



2 thoughts on “About”

  • I just wanted to express my amusement regarding all your creativity, and the blending of ideas.
    Its exciting and so much fun to read about other peoples excitement and involvement in the creative arts as a never ending exploration of experiences.
    Food is part of our lives so, why not explore and celebrate the never ending possibilities with others to enjoy.

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