Avocado Smoothie




Avocados are nearly a perfect food.  They’re creamy, tasty, filled with nutrients and healthy fats, rich in omega-3’s, and they go with so many different kinds of dishes both sweet and savory.  Lately we’ve been eating them with a spoon out of the shell-like skin with no seasonings, or maybe a little lime and salt, and enjoying how filling and satisfying they are by themselves.


You can add avocados to almost any smoothie, the green fruit makes it richer and creamier without hijacking the flavor into another direction.  This smoothie has a simple beginning then your favorite smoothie ingredients can be added, great for a hot day when heavy foods don’t sound right but you need to eat something.




Freezing bananas with the skin on keeps them from turning brown and provides a perfect little protective covering while in the freezer.  Frozen fruit gives a smoothie refreshing chill without diluting any flavor with ice.  Fresh local berries should be coming in soon…a good time to freeze extras for the smoothies during the sweltering summer heat.



We…we being me, my two cooks, and nearly 300 Village Fire campers…. spent last week in the Driftless region of northeast Iowa surrounded by ancient bluffs, oaks and maples, crickets, fireflies, hoot owls, and a gurgling creek.  We were also surrounded by incredible song from dawn to nearly-dawn, songs of all flavors: old, new, simple, complex, deep, funny, quiet and raucous–it was all there.  Most of my hours were spent in the kitchen providing the fuel for the melodists but I had a few delicious tastes of the magic of the music.  My bones and muscles may be weary but my it was a beauteous time.


We are the kiss between earth and heaven,

We are the song between sky and ground.

Sing for your life and for the world we’re making.

Nothing is lost that can’t be found.

~Gerri Ravyn Stanfield




Avocado Smoothie

Prep Time: 15 minutes


Pulse chop:

1 frozen Banana, peeled and roughly chopped  (no, it doesn’t have to be frozen, but I think it’s better)

1 avocado

2 Tablespoons Almond Butter

A few drops Vanilla


1/2 – 1 cup Liquid: Milk, Almond Milk, Cream, etc (1/2 cup for a thick spoonable smoothie, or 1 cup for a more drinkable smoothie…though it will still be thick)

Enjoy this filling and tasty smoothie as is, or add any of these other ingredients:

-Blueberries, Raspberries, other Berries or Stone Fruit

-Mango, Kiwi, other tropical fruits

-Lime Juice

-Maple Syrup

-Whey Powder for more protein





One of those lovely Tim Langholz Tea Bowls from our Edible Alien Theatre show set on a platter by Tom Hamilton, a member of the Artists Cooperative Gallery in Omaha.








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