Favorites October 2012


The zombies have arrived a week early, so I jolly well better get into the Halloween spirit if I’m to survive the invasion!  I now know to beware of anyone knocking at the door asking for fresh brains—it’s a sure clue that they are not the Avon Lady.  Sometimes we just have to learn the hard way…



They arrived before Halloween so naturally I assumed they couldn’t read a calendar, but apparently some zombies do wear watches.



Some of this is seasonal, and some is just cool.


October Favorites

A portable garden in Berlin



Some Halloween facepainting ideas from guidespot


This Snake Cake photo has been sent around and around, but everyone should see it!



Amazing series of pictures from this 2012 Burning Man, be sure and look at all 25 



Halloween music cartoons by Squirrel Nut Zippers



Another one from 1929  Skeleton Dance



Delightful Paper Pop-ups by Jenny Chen



Another Halloween idea…



Edible Clothing



Barebones Halloween puppets and outdoor spectacles in Mpls


Outdoor lighting for any season



No one is spared in the Zombie Apocalypse.



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